I am an Assistant Professor (untenured) at the Institute of Economics and Law of the University of Stuttgart. I completed my dissertation “Financing for Sustainable Development: Emerging Issues and Actors” at Heidelberg University and was awarded the Faculty Award of the Heidelberg Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and the 1st Prize for Excellence in Applied Development Research of the German Economics Association and the KfW Development Bank.
My research lies at the intersection of development economics, environmental economics and political economy. I am interested in identifying political, institutional and behavioural barriers to sustainable development. My focus is empirical, using both experimental data and geospatial analysis.
I have a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Bayreuth, and work experience at the World Bank, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, and the International Red Cross.
My current research is supported by the Joachim-Herz Foundation and the International Growth Centre.
Contact information:
University of Stuttgart
Institute of Economics and Law
Department of Macroeconomics and Digital Transformation
Keplerstraße 17
D-70174 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49-711-685-83577
E-Mail: angelika@budjan.de
Room: 09.032